Dear reader, The time has come for me to officially close the book on Caravaggista.com. With the lack of new content here, this will not surprise you, but I want to formally say goodbye. The archive of all of…
A reader asks how they can make their analysis of a painting more engaging for their audience.
A reader wonders how they can ask higher level questions about the works of art they study.
A new graduate student seeks suggestions on managing graduate study and impostor syndrome.
A reader seeks advice on whether obtaining a terminal M.A. or a one-year Certificate in Museum Studies is the better financial option.
A reader who wants to study art history at the graduate level but feels intellectually unprepared asks for advice on their next steps.
A reader asks what information about works of art need to be remembered for art history coursework.
A reader asks for my thoughts on attending one-year graduate programs in the UK as an American student.
A reader asks for advice on whether they should pursue their art history MA at Christie’s or Hunter College.
Lately I have found myself completely unable to write; like I have all these words, thoughts, and ideas swirling in my mind that, when I sit down to write, will not translate onto the page. I don’t know when this…