An Overdue Farewell
Dear reader, The time has come for me to officially close the book on Caravaggista.com. With the lack of new content here, this will not surprise you, but I want to formally say goodbye. The archive of all of…
To the Man After the Harrow by Patrick Kavanagh
Now leave the check-reins slack, The seed is flying far today – The seed like stars against the black Eternity of April clay. This seed is potent as the seed Of knowledge in the Hebrew Book, So drive your horses…
In Silence by Thomas Merton
Be still.Listen to the stones of the wall.Be silent, they tryto speak your name.Listento the living walls. Who are you?Whoare you? Whosesilence are you? Who (be quiet)are you (as these stonesare quiet). Do notthink of what you arestill less ofwhat…
Stranger by Thomas Merton (Excerpt)
When no one listens To the quiet trees When no one notices The sun in the pool. Where no one feels The first drop of rainOr sees the last star Or hails the first morning Of a giant world Where…
Peace Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness,…
Q&A: How can I make my analysis of a painting interesting?
A reader asks how they can make their analysis of a painting more engaging for their audience.
Q&A: How can I ask better questions about works of art?
A reader wonders how they can ask higher level questions about the works of art they study.
Q&A: Do you have any tips for new graduate students? How can I manage impostor syndrome?
A new graduate student seeks suggestions on managing graduate study and impostor syndrome.
Q&A: Should I pursue an M.A. in Museum Studies, or a Certificate Program?
A reader seeks advice on whether obtaining a terminal M.A. or a one-year Certificate in Museum Studies is the better financial option.
Q&A: I want to study art history at the graduate level, but feel unprepared. What should I do?
A reader who wants to study art history at the graduate level but feels intellectually unprepared asks for advice on their next steps.