Q&A: Where do I start when writing an open-ended art history research paper?
A reader needs advice about how to begin writing an open-ended research paper for their art history class.
Q&A: “I get nervous when I have to write for my art history courses. Could you provide any advice?”
An art history major who is struggling with writing art historical essays asks for advice.
Q&A: What are the Pros and Cons of an Art History Degree?
A reader inquires about the pros and cons of pursuing an art history degree at the undergraduate level.
Happy Birthday, Caravaggio!
Happy birthday Caravaggio! This year’s collection of images celebrating his birth are some of his self-portraits. The most moving of these, for me, are the ones where he inserts himself into the narrative: as a witness (fleeing) from Matthew’s martyrdom,…
Q&A: How can I get to know my professors if I attend a large university with big classes?
A reader asks for advice on attending a large university and how to get to know the professors better despite the large class sizes.
A Quiet Holiness: Caravaggio’s Madonna di Loreto
Gentle, sensuous, tender, human. These are just a few of the words that describe Caravaggio’s depictions of the Virgin Mary. His Marian works rarely, if ever, reflect the same vibrant optimism seen in his peers’ paintings of the Virgin.1 Rather, glorification of the…
Salome, the femme fatale
According to Mark’s Gospel, Salome’s mother Herodias wanted John the Baptist dead because he spoke out against her marriage to her brother-in-law, Herod. Herod would not put John to death, because he “feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and…